WE THE PEOPLE OF NEW ORLEANS, in order to establish a more perfect union of all citizens, regardless of race, color, or creed, must unite as one in an orderly and logical manner to provide for the resurrection of our city.
THEREFORE, we propose the following logical propositions and recognize fully that this may affect more people of one kind than the other, but for the good of all this must be done and in order to form a more perfect union of and by all people:
1. The levees of this state must be completely overhauled in order to provide protection from the lowest of parishes, close to the gulf, to all of this state. City, parish, state, and federal officials have the responsibility to adhere to the recommendations of experts in the fields and to hire reputable and proven contractors to fulfill this need.
2. An orderly approach to the return of the citizens to this city is essential in order to provide them protection and to provide them suitable housing. We cannot allow people to rebuild without some provisions for housing that will withstand future storms. The come back all philosophy adhered to by some is foolish and indicative of negligence and continued abuse of the citizens by politicians, who see reelection or election and not what is logical and best. All housing must be adequate and all public housing must and shall adhere to the laws of this state and this nation. Codes must be enforced and indeed strengthened.
3. We must bring back our business, both large and small. We must provide for proper medical care and facilities that are the very best. We must attract the newest of businesses with technology of the present and visions of technology of the future. Businesses must be strictly regulated and must adhere to strict codes that must be put into place. While we admire the architectural beauty of many buildings, these too must be protected and yet updated to provide for the protection of quality businesses of all kinds.
4. We must provide public education (including higher education) for all that will provide students with challenges, provide teachers of ability and strength to accomplish that education. The school boards of this city and state must and shall be overhauled to eliminate the factors that have caused the collapse of education in this city and yes of this state. Boards filled with political cronies are no longer acceptable but quality boards consisting of well qualified persons are required.
5. We can no longer allow the issue of race and color to determine the future of this city. We must come together as one family for the good of all.
6. We must provide for a government of the people and for the people. This means that the government of this city (indeed of this state) must be overhauled in order to assure that it is streamlined, cost efficient, and provide respectful and quality services to all people of this city. This includes all levels of government including assessors, the court system, the police system, etc.
7. We, as citizens, have our duties too. We must elect officials of vision, not simply of promises. That is the very foundation of our constitution and necessary for the future of this city.
We the ordinary citizens of this city and state must be heard and must be followed. We ourselves must overcome our prejudices, our outmoded views, and look to the future of what we know can be and what we will continue to call the city of our dreams, the new Nouvelle Orleans.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
This morning as we read the various news online, we do not see the signs of murder on the streets of our city. For this we give thanks to God. We pray again today for peace in this city. Day by day by day we will do so. May each day of peace become like a candle and may those candles grow in number so that the lives of all will be enlightened and we may see a Nouveau New Orleans.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
This morning I woke to find my dear Rhett had made coffee, put the dogs out, and was wrapping gifts. Those bags are heaven sent for him. We had gone to Midnight Mass and this old lady is getting a bit more tired as the evening wears on into the early hours of the next morning. However, it has always been a tradition and I was happy to continue it. Rhett is a bit worried about losing his job at his age. We prayed for that but for much more. We hope that in our community it will be a day of peace today.
As I read the various news reports and examine the listings on the websites of our local television stations, I was disturbed. The comments made in many instances were quite disturbing and hate filled. For centuries this hate has existed simply based on issues of ancestry. It continues today and we see in some instances a self hatred that is destroying members of our community. Young people brought up in a way of life that has led to self-destruction. It has been aided by the lack of family units, poverty, lack of education, lack of self-esteem, and being taken advantage of by others.
Today, the problems have crossed all ancestral, social, and economic lines. Our leadership has been complacent for decades and seeking only the vote based on ancestral lines instead of looking for a solution to the problems that face this city. However, as we talk among outselves, those who call themselves members of the brigade, we still look for a future that can be brighter for all. We look for ways to solve the issue of self-hatred, the return of family values, the return of business to our city, the availability of good jobs, and for what we call the Nouveau New Orleans. We cannot walk in many of the marches because of our health and yes because of the fear of where they are located.
This morning, in the darkness, we checked to see if all was ok as we left the church. As we got home, again we checked carefully because of the fear that permeates all citizens' lives. Why should we have to live in fear? WHY? We have allowed it to continue because of the lack of our leaders. We listen to Mr. Landrieu and others and we ask why his father did nothing about this when he was in office. Why other mayors had not done so either? Rhett still believes that Dutch Morial could have done more had it not been for his personal life and his fighting with others who were determined to displace him in office. His son was worthless. However, Dutch, was something different and had great possibilities. http://lasoutherngent.blogspot.com/2009/03/courage-to-make-true-difference.html
Now, this morning, I pray again for a new beginning for this city, a rebirth, a newness that will once again can call the Queen City of the South. A Nouveau New Orleans, is the call of the Velvet Glove Brigade - our group of friends created over the years. We still believe and hope that we live to see it or the beginning of it.
As I read the various news reports and examine the listings on the websites of our local television stations, I was disturbed. The comments made in many instances were quite disturbing and hate filled. For centuries this hate has existed simply based on issues of ancestry. It continues today and we see in some instances a self hatred that is destroying members of our community. Young people brought up in a way of life that has led to self-destruction. It has been aided by the lack of family units, poverty, lack of education, lack of self-esteem, and being taken advantage of by others.
Today, the problems have crossed all ancestral, social, and economic lines. Our leadership has been complacent for decades and seeking only the vote based on ancestral lines instead of looking for a solution to the problems that face this city. However, as we talk among outselves, those who call themselves members of the brigade, we still look for a future that can be brighter for all. We look for ways to solve the issue of self-hatred, the return of family values, the return of business to our city, the availability of good jobs, and for what we call the Nouveau New Orleans. We cannot walk in many of the marches because of our health and yes because of the fear of where they are located.
This morning, in the darkness, we checked to see if all was ok as we left the church. As we got home, again we checked carefully because of the fear that permeates all citizens' lives. Why should we have to live in fear? WHY? We have allowed it to continue because of the lack of our leaders. We listen to Mr. Landrieu and others and we ask why his father did nothing about this when he was in office. Why other mayors had not done so either? Rhett still believes that Dutch Morial could have done more had it not been for his personal life and his fighting with others who were determined to displace him in office. His son was worthless. However, Dutch, was something different and had great possibilities. http://lasoutherngent.blogspot.com/2009/03/courage-to-make-true-difference.html
Now, this morning, I pray again for a new beginning for this city, a rebirth, a newness that will once again can call the Queen City of the South. A Nouveau New Orleans, is the call of the Velvet Glove Brigade - our group of friends created over the years. We still believe and hope that we live to see it or the beginning of it.
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Why did I copy dear Rhett's last post on my blog? I agree with him totally. The Glover case has been decided and judgment has been made. Some still disagree but we believe in the system and the jury's decision is the result of the system. Justice must be rendered. However, we still see death walking the streets of this metropolitan area. We can and must stop the crime sprees that occur and we see some action being taken by the Mayor, the City Council, the police department and the D.A.'s office. Now let's continue the move forward and recapture what was once a city for all and a city of endless possibilities.
As RW and I survey the scene of New Orleans today we see some hope. The beginning of the clearing of land for the new hospitals is one, although we believed and still do that the old Charity Hospital could have been in use while these plans went forward. The attempt to eradicate the blight that has given rise to crime and continuation of drugs sales and additction and the overall decline of the city has begun. Yet the overwhelming sense of dread continues as the blood spills on the streets of this city and on the streets of other communities in southern Louisiana. Some would say that this is limited to the community of people of a certain ancestry. We will disagree on this issue. We can no longer use the excuse of slavery as the cause of the criminal intent that exists today. As we listen to many, we see perhaps the beginning of cooperation among people of all ancestries to report and demand that justice be done. In the Federal court today, twelve people will begin to deliberate and make a judgment based on the evidence presented - the case involving the death of Mr. Glover. However, while this may be the main news, there remain the many other cases in which justice must be determined. We also see disagreement as to which boards will run the schools of this city. The schools were in terrible disarray for decades and the question must be asked "WHY?". We blame the boards and the teachers' unions and the failure of parenting. We see in the Charter School system more involvement of parents and a determination to give their children a viable education. Fifty years ago young girls integrated the public schools of this city. One made history by virtue of the support of federal agents and a famous Saturday Evening Posting painting and cover. However, listen to her and to the three other women of African ancestry and heard the difference in how they speak and how they act. There was something important in their backgrounds - family. The family in all situations is the cause of children seeking to improve themselves. RW and I have seen this in the families with which we have beome friends. The decline of family and moral values is the reason for the disappation of this city, this state, and this nation. Daniel Moynihan was on point in this respecti in his 1965 report - http://www.blackpast.org/?q=primary/moynihan-report-1965. It is time for all of us to read it and also to read the call for unity by Martin Luther King in his famous words: "Let freedom ring. And when this happens, and when we allow freedom ring—when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children—black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics—will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual: "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!" It is time for us to listen to those of the past in order to create a new city, a new state, and a new nation. RW and I hope to live to see the future change in this city. Katrina and the breaks in the levees may have caused the physical destruction of this city but we the citizens by our own actions have created more damage over the decades by the failure to choose leaders based on their ability and not on their ancestry. It is time for a radical change in attitude among all citizens of this city, this state and this nation.
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