As we read the T-P and the Advocate online, we continue our remarks. However, the major issue is that of the crime that is rampant on the streets of the city and the surrounding parishes. The loss of life that is caused by hatred, lack of necessary medical facilities, lack of education, lack of the basics of a stable life, and the list goes on. What does it all come from - the failure of our leaders to take the necessary stands over decades and decades. When we speak of leaders we refer to those on the local, state, and national levels. However, who are most at fault? THE CITIZENS THEMSELVES. We vote based on a variety of issues (color, religion, party affiliations, etc. but not for the best of the best). We need to see the cream of the crop step forward and take a chance to get elected and pray that they do.
Today we will see some elections and the questions being asked primarily is whether those supported by certain other elected officials will win or lose. We have seen enough of the issue of "power" and ask for the election of those who take a stand for all of the people.
We have seen enough about the various forms of education and ask that we seek to join together and provide a quality of education for all. Just recently there was an announcement of the closure of the Cathedral School because of small attendance. Yet we heard fathers of the children being interviewed on television and asking questions that were so pertinent and that should be answered. However, we will have to wait for suitable answers from the powers to be in the Archdiocese of New Orleans. Even more can be said about the inadequacies of the other school systems in the city of New Orleans.
Even more questions must be asked about the sewer and water system of this city. Decades and decades of neglect have resulted in what we have today. Add to that the issue of the drainage in this city and yes in other parishes in the area and we can see the enormity of the failure of citizens to make demands for decades upon decades.
Look on the streets of New Orleans and see homeless and the drug addiction problem and ask what is the answer. This is another question that should have been addressed decades ago. We do not have the proper medical and psychiatric treatment centers in this city and elsewhere. In the meantime the new hospital center is going up but it will be years before it is completed. In the meantime Charity Hospital stands decaying.
(more to come)