It was written by Howard Galganov, Canadian writer on December 14, 2012 and applies to the Conneticut school shoots (a terrible act). It reads: It happened because of the modern LEFTIST culture that has been busy removing all semblance of personal responsibility and respect from our lives. It happened because of the Hollywood and television types who lecture the Conservatives on how people should live, while they make FORTUNES producing absolute FILTH and VIOLENCE in their movies, videos and television programs. It happened because of reality TV shows that demean humanity, along with shows that make people laugh at the pain and humiliation of others. The senseless murders happened because multi-millionaire computer game producers create UGLY digital scenarios that poison young minds with abject depravity and gratuitous violence. It happened because the school system doesn’t teach values, and promotes the idea that 'anything goes.' And that all people are equal, regardless of the truth. And that no one ever fails. It happened because LEFTISTS won’t allow concerned and loving parents to discipline their children, or raise their children in the time-honored way they feel is right. It happened because far too many Liberals spend their time and effort ridiculing and attacking the people who want to live by the lessons of the Bible and the Torah.In truth, this and other horrible acts of violence happen because our society-- from the entertainment industry to schools to the media and to our governments-- have created the social and cultural foundation that is eating away at both Canada and the United States like a cancer.
While this applied to that particular set of tragic circumstances, it is also applies the continuing decline of the family unit as espoused by Daniel P. Moynihan and eloquently discussed on another site: Today that report of Moynihan applies to families of all ancestries. It also applies to this city of ours in which each day we read of the blood on the streets and the robberies and the rapes, etc. Time to face reality, dears, time to face reality.