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Today, I sit at the computer, with the cats and dogs splayed out on the floor, and the children talking with Rhett in the background as they discuss a program on the television. I sit here happy because we are all together today, albeit for a short time. Yet even in the midst of such happiness I feel the depression of the state of the metropolitan area of New Orleans. I read the paper online and I listen to the news on the television and I find no improvements. I read books and I realize that these problems have always been in existence from the very founding of this city by the derelicts sent from France. People may have changed their names in various ways to indicate a form of aristocracy, which does not exist. I see our leaders taking advantage of their positions to gain more for themselves and their friends. I see families being destroyed by infighting, etc. and their businesses being destroyed. I see so much hatred expressed by the brutal crimes committed by people of all ancestries and I continue to pray for union. I see men and women killed carrying out their duties here and abroad and I pray for them. Even those who are working at various sites to bring about the revitalization of this city are subjected to the crimes of others. I still see the remains of the destruction of this are by Katrina. I see Charity Hospital empty and decaying and pray that it will be used for something important. Rhett and I drove to a funeral in St. Bernard and as we went down Chef Menteur Highway, I almost cried because that road was still in a state of decay. Of course, some of the subdivisions off the highway had returned and I worry about those occupants of the homes therein as I do for those who are facing higher flood insurance rates. The list can go on and on. Yet in the midst of the mayhem I am determined to keep posting and to request that someone or some organization to begin the TRUE BATTLE OF NEW ORLEANS by being frank and attacking the root causes of the problems of the area. Tomorrow, Rhett and I with the children will attend religious services and we will pray for those who have died and for the people of this area and elsewhere in this nation that are suffering. The Brigade will gather next weekend and we will do the same, drink our gin and tonics, and discuss the various issues. I see in the members faces the stress of their lives and yet, I will always will believe:
And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star